
The Hudson Foundation

I love people that try to make a difference in the world.  One of those amazing people is Ashley.  I hope you will take a minute to listen to her story and go visit her to show your support!


  My name is Ashley and I blog over at flats to flip flops about fashion and life as a mom to two little one's!  But I also co-founded a non profit organization called The Hudson Foundation, Inc earlier this year.

See, our story starts, probably, much like your own.  Girl meets boy.  They fall in love, get married, and plan an amazing future with 2.5 kids, 1 dog and a house with a white picket fence.

But we learned that life doesn't always turn out how we plan.

We thought, like all of our friends and family, that starting our family would be a cinch.  I mean, you decide to go for it and it happens, right?  You just have to make the decision of when.

Well, 2 months, 3 months, 6 months and then 1 year later, there was no baby and my gut was telling me something was wrong.

We met with doctor's, got on meds, got off meds, got diagnosed, got re-diagnosed, and met with more doctor's.

2 years later we needed a break AND a vacation.

And then it happened,



And high fives all around.

We started to talk names and nurseries and all things baby.

And then I started spotting, and the spotting turned into bleeding and the doctor said

"You need to come in now."

And after 8 weeks of pregnancy, it was over and we were left empty.

Slowly the darkness lifted and we saw things differently.

At least we knew that we could get pregnant, and maybe we could get pregnant again.

That's when we hit treatments full force. Shots, medications, ultrasounds, and 3 1/2 hour road trips to see our doctor became our life.

And in April of 2007 we decided to go big or go home.

We started In Vitro Fertilization.

The process was long and hard, but we knew this was it, our last hope.

In January 2008, we were blessed with our miracle son.

 Thanks to IVF.

After our experience, we always knew we wanted to be able to help couples in the same situation.  You see, 5 million couples struggle with infertility.  And of those 5, 2 million will never even get the opportunity to achieve pregnancy without IVF.

And the cost of IVF is not cheap, my friends!

It can cost anywhere between-$10,000-$15,000.

So for a lot of couples this is not a reality.

Not even close.

That's where The Hudson Foundation comes in.

We want to give HOPE to couples struggling with infertility.

We have set up The Mission Hope Grant that helps couples financially with their infertility treatments.

We can't imagine what our life would be like if the cost of IVF had prevented us from going for it.


So please check out our website, our store or follow us on facebook or twitter.

And a HUGE THANK YOU to Jenny  for letting us share our story on her blog today!


  1. Definitely going to go check it out! THanks for sharing :)

    followme@ www.studentswife.com

  2. This is so amazing, I started tearing up a little by the end :) thanks for sharing!

  3. What an amazing story Jenny! Ashley, your organization has GOT to be SUCH a blessing to so many people!!!

  4. A blessing on so many fronts. I am glad you felt inspired to help others who yearn for a child like you did.
