
Guest Post & Giveaway: Along Abbey Road

Meet Abbey.  Isn't she gorgeous?  The answer is yes (in case you were confused for some reason).  I LOVE checking out her blog for style inspiration.  If there is one thing I know about this girl, it's that she loves to wear LOFT!  I have actually never shopped at LOFT before, but I have seen her wear so many cute pieces from there...I really need to go check it out.  Anyway, enough of my rambling...make sure to go check out Abbey's blog, follow along and enter her great giveaway using the Rafflecopter widget after her post!


Hello Modern Modest readers! I am Abbey from Along Abbey Road, where I blog about personal style, motherhood, and all things ridiculous in life. My husband, Matt, and our 6 month old, Luke, kind of steal the show sometimes. Well, mostly Luke, because he is adorable.

I am a stripes enthusiast, love anything with butter and chocolate (I suppose I should move to France), and am an avid watcher of Seinfeld.

Oh yeah, and I own a fabulous, little online shop, Sprightly So. Since I think you all are so great, I am giving away my favorite Initialized necklace and a $15 credit to my shop!

Be sure to stop by my spot on ze interwebs (I have a slight obsession with adding 'z' to words) and say hello!


Isn't Abbey amazing?!  I know you are probably wanting to learn more about her, so you can find her at her Blog, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Shop!  Be sure to enter the giveaway using the Rafflecopter widget below.  The giveaway will be open until 7/24 and Abbey is kind enough to ship internationally, so it's open to everyone!  Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway



  1. I love the Initialized necklace!

  2. my favorite item is the initialized necklace, i need a good initial necklace. why haven't i owned one yet?

  3. I like the Quite the Duo necklace

  4. Like the Quite the Duo and Family Washer necklaces. Thanks!

  5. I LOVE the Hootie Cutie necklace and the Family Washer necklaces!

  6. i love the initialized necklace! :D

    <3, Mimi

  7. I love the Family Heirloom necklace :)

  8. I just addore the Initialized necklace!

  9. Love the Hootie Cutie necklace! :)

  10. My favorite is the simple initialized necklaces!

  11. The Hootie Cutie is my favorite! :)

  12. Love her shop! I LOVE the Hootie Cutie & the initialized necklace! :)
