
Bridal Shower for my Sister

My sis (the beautiful bride-to-be) and Me
A couple weeks ago I threw a Bridal Shower for my sister at my parent's house.  I wanted to surprise her with this, because I knew I wouldn't be attending her bachelorette party and I still wanted to show my support, since I am the Maid of Honor and all!  It was just a little shindig with her close friends, which I think she liked.  Somehow she didn't have any clue about it until she showed up to the party...I was so proud of my secretive planning skills.  Neither one of us look super great, since she didn't know about it and I was rushing to get everything done before the guests arrived...oh well! 

Here are some pics I took of the Bridal Shower:
I loved making the tissue paper pom pom flowers.  They were actually pretty easy and I love the way they look.  The hardest part was figuring out whether to do pointy or rounded edges, so that's why there are both (I prefer the pointy ones).  Thanks Pinterest and Martha Stewart!

Since there was only going to be a small group of people, I wanted to keep the food simple.  I made little sandwiches (regular sized sandwiches cut into four pieces, with the crusts removed), lemonade punch (with Sprite and strawberries), and cupcakes (made with AMAZING Pillsbury Pink Lemonade cake mix & frosting that I discovered).  We also had snap peas, strawberries, grapes, carrots, chips and pink wafer cookies.  Oh, and I added a pink sugar rim to the glasses to dress them up!

We played a little game (in which she ended up with a mouth full of marshmallows...but she won't let me post that pic, haha) and she opened her presents.  A nice and simple, low-key event.
Me, Mom, Sister
My little boy was the only male allowed at the party!
I think my sister had a good time and I know I loved putting it together for her.  I am seriously craving those cupcakes right now!


  1. Ah! I love it... you did a great job! I love the pic of you girls with your mom... gorgeous family! ♥

    1. Thanks so much Lena! Congrats on hitting 800 by the way :)

  2. You did a great job...looks like a fun party!!! And I agree, beautiful family!!!

  3. That looks like lots of fun! Love the sugar rimmed glasses!! Where/how'd you get/make the pink sugar?? Your sister looks a lot like you by the way!

    1. I actually mixed regular sugar with Kool-Aid, haha. I was really worried it would stain people's lips, but luckily it didn't :)

  4. Such a cute shower!! I love those pom poms too! You did a great job!

  5. Your dress is super cute!! I love that you dipped the glasses in sugar!! Seriously, LOVE that idea! xoxo

  6. Everything looks so lovely!! Love the pink and white hanging pom pom flowers!!

  7. Oh, I love the pom poms!!! Totally stealing all your ideas next time I have a shower. Somebody get married,please!

    1. Thank you...steal away! It could work for a baby shower too, so just have one of your friends get knocked up, haha :)

  8. I love the pom pom flowers! They absolutely make the room!


    Fashion and Beauty Finds

  9. You did great! Congrats to your sister!

  10. Oh my word! You did such a fantastic job! It's all so beautiful! Those cupcakes sound delish! Now I want some! Congrats to your sister!

  11. Very lovely! You all look so happy!


  12. I love the flower pom poms! Such a cute idea. I'll definitely be making them next time I throw a party! X

  13. What a fun party! THose napkins are so cute.

  14. You did SUCH a good job! I love those flower pom poms!!! My friend had them hung from the ceiling at her wedding and I LOVED it!!!!!!!!!
