
Manicure Monday: Stars & Stripes

I knew I wanted to do something patriotic for Manicure Monday this week...with the 4th of July being 2 days away and all...so I thought stars and stripes would be fun!  I could have sworn I had some blue nail polish, but I looked everywhere and couldn't find it, so red and white will just have to do.

First, I painted my nails Red (Revlon Valentine).  Next, once the base coat was dry, I used a toothpick and applied white (Butter London Pearly Queen) in the shape of stars on one hand and stripes on the other.  I hate painting the finger nails on my right hand as it is, but throw lines into the mix and it can get ugly fast...the stripes aren't perfect, but they have character!

I love the way this turned out, I just wish there was some blue in there too!  Are you wearing any patriotic nail polish for Independence Day?


  1. So festive! I can't believe you made those cute little stars with a toothpick!

    1. Thanks! It was kind of hard, not gonna lie!

  2. Love it! We got some polish with tiny, thin brushes at Sally Beauty Supply. They make the stripes very easy. I'm trying this with my girls tomorrow!

    1. Thank you! That is what I need! Or just one of those nail art pens...I have been meaning to buy one of those for a while!

  3. such a lovely nails!
    come by and lets follow each other if you love to do!

  4. Love your design! I think my nails need a pick me up.

  5. Super super cute!! Your stars look awesome and impressive that you did this all by hand! I just recently posted my patriotic nails on my blog too. Would love for you to tell me what you think :)


  6. Ah how can you even do this?!? When I move to Salt Lake City next January can we please have girls nights where you teach me how to do my own nails? I am hopeless. :)

  7. How adorable! I especially love how you did the stars! I never thought of using a tooth pick. I have these patriotic nail stickers floating somewhere in my manicure bag- I may have to bust them out and see what i can come up with!

    1. Thanks! I had some stickers and totally forgot about them...would have been SO much easier, haha.

  8. These are just fabulous! I wish I had the patience to recreate them myslef :) Have a happy 4th!

    xo Shane

  9. So cute, Jenny! I love the stars! I'm super impressed you did all of this free hand! I always use tape...

    1. Thank you! I usually use tape, but I didn't have the patience to cut the tape and lay it all out on my nails...would have looked better, but oh well!

  10.  It looks fabulous !! Come link it up with us at our party: http://www.finecraftguild.com/party/ . This is something to show off!!

  11. These look adorable! What a great way to celebrate the 4th! Thanks so much for sharing with the Pink Hippo party.. can't wait to see what you share next!
    I am your newest follower~
    Amie @ Pinkapotamus

  12. Very patriotic of you! :) I like the squiggly lines, makes it more fun! ;) By the way, forgot to tell you my mani package came in! Can't wait to try everything!

  13. Adorable!!! I love this, so patriotic! Visiting from Mani Monday, glad I found your blog!

  14. I am loving your nails!! So so cute! Visiting from Mani Monday! So happy that I went back and looked at the hop to see who's nails I missed.
