
Little Girls Can Have Sockbuns Too!

Most days my daughter won't let me do her hair.  I think she has a sensitive scalp or something, because she starts crying every time I brush it!  French braiding is apparently just as painful, but at least I can tell her she is going to look like Rapunzel and she will calm down.  I only learned how to French Braid a couple months ago and have only tried it a few times, but I love it!  

I wanted to create a cute hairstyle that would keep my daughter's hair up (since it was over 100 degrees!) and out of her face.  So, I decided to French Braid the top and pull up the rest of the hair into a high ponytail.  It was super cute with just the ponytail, but I thought maybe it would look more fun with a sock bun!  So I grabbed one of the kids' socks (its match was apparently stolen by the sock monster), cut off the toe part, rolled it up...and voila! Just the right size for a mini sock bun!
I'm pretty sure this is my favorite hairstyle that I have ever done with my daughter's hair.  What do you think of it?



  1. SO CUTE! I wish my mom would do that to my hair hahaha :)

    1. Me too! I can't french braid my own hair yet, it turns out horrible :)

  2. This is so adorable. I'm filing it away under "cute hairstyles I want to try on my future daughter". Great idea!

    Silver from A Silver Snapshot

  3. Totally awesome! How exactly do you do a sock bun? Wind the hair around the sock?
    I ended up cutting LC's hair in February. It was too long and got very snarly. Now it is a couple inches below her shoulders. Long enough to put up, short enough to keep snarls to a minimum. Win-win.

    1. Here is the link to the video I learned from...I am horrible at explaining it, haha. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I13J7ArHTkM

      It is sooo hard for little girls to have long hair, cause it always gets so dang tangly! I agree, that is definitely win-win :)

  4. I LOVE this! Have to give it a try on my little girls hair!

  5. That is so stinkin' CUTE! Love it. The heck with my daughter's hair, I would love that for my OWN hair!

    1. Ummm, me too!!! But I can't french braid my own hair :(

  6. SO cute! I would love to be able to do my hair like that!


  7. That's so pretty!!! I'm betting it stayed up too!!! My nieces have really thin hair and almost everything just falls out, thinking this might stay!

  8. Absolutely so adorable! I've found a lot of little girls cry when getting their hair brushed except when someone else besides mom is doing it, then all is okay. LOL

    1. That is so true!!! She always tells me, "Mom you need to brush it like this person does", haha!

  9. I love it! I just can't seem to master a sock bun yet :(

  10. Ah that is way cute!! I wish that I could french braid, because I have been looking for something to do with my hair for the summer besides just a plain pony tail or messy bun! I am trying to grow out my hair, but it is just getting way too hot outside to leave it down! I'm thinkin' I need to learn how to french braid now... :)

    1. You should try it! Youtube has lots of tutorials on how to do it...I just can't seem to get it to look good on myself yet!

  11. Lovely! I'll have to try this on myself.

  12. so pretty, wish my hair would do this. Glad I found your blog... Modern Modest Beauty sent me:)

  13. So cute! I love it and I bet after all that crying, she did too! I was the same way when I was little. I hated my mom brushing my hair. It HURT! Now that I'm older I keep my hair pretty short. This sock bun is making me want to grow it back out though!

  14. i was wondering what the name of that bun was called. gonna try this right now@!!!!! xoxo

  15. This is an absolutely stunning style, you did a wonderful job with it too!

  16. this is so gorgeous! i wish you were here so you can do that to my hair lol

  17. It's gorgeous! I'd never heard of a sock bun but that's such a good idea. I shall be attacking some socks later on. :-)

  18. I can honestly say I have never seen this hair style before....Its super cute I should try it out one day...:)
