
Manicure Monday: Butter London "Scoundrel"

Butter London "Scoundrel" c/o Butter London
Butter London "Scoundrel" is one of those colors that I was really worried about in the bottle, but once I put it on I was instantly in love!  It's a pretty purple cream, with excellent coverage.  I used two coats and almost could have gotten away with just one.  I decided to add a couple colors to my ring finger to create an "accent nail".  The orange is Butter London "Jaffa" and the green is Essie "Mojito Madness".  I just used some tape to make the lines, then painted over the tape...super easy and fun!
Update on the Nail Growth Miracle, Maximum Growth and Vitasurge Strength Gel...things are starting to progress a little bit.  My nails are noticeably stronger and aren't nearly as chipped as they used to be.  They aren't growing super fast, but we'll see how they look next week!

What's on your nails this week?


  1. What cute Manicure! I suck at doing my nails!

    I am following via GFC please follow back at http://allofthatgoodstuff.blogspot.ca/

    1. Well, I am no expert...as you can tell by the polish all over my cuticles. I don't know how some people get it so perfect! I'm sure your nails look just fine :)

  2. So cute! I love that purple ^^


  3. I haven't tried butter yet because there's no where around here to get it, but it always looks so great on others - so smooth!

    1. Honestly, I think it is the best quality polish I have tried. Kinda spendy, but definitely high quality :)

  4. scoundrel is such a great color. Butter nail polish is so high quality! I am your newest follower. I cannot wait to read more of your posts and hope that maybe you can return the favor and follow The Preppy Student. I always comment for every comment left on my page and hope to start a friendly relationship with your wonderful blog! Have a happy Monday:)

  5. Pretty shade of purple! I just took Off the Shoulder by Essie off my nails... Think it's time to try the Butter London I got from you!!! ;)

    1. Oooh, Off the Shoulder looks like such a fun pink color :)
