
Sunday Style: Bridesmaid Attire

Dress: Shabby Apple, Shoes: Target, Bracelet: Gift from my Sister, Sash: Made by my Mom

I promise this will be the last of the wedding posts!  I was so glad that my sister decided to go with black bridesmaid dresses, because it made it a lot easier for me to find one that was modest enough.  The best part is that I can actually wear it again, unlike most other bridesmaid dresses!

Thank you everyone who linked up to Sunday Style last week.  Since I was out of town for the wedding I had limited access to the internet and didn't get a chance to visit everyone, but hopefully you were able to visit each other and get inspired!  I'm excited to see what outfits you link up this week.  The rules are simple:

1. Link up to a specific outfit post, not your main blog page.
2. Grab a button and add it to your post (a text link is also fine).
3. Comment on this post and at least one other post...the whole point is to visit each other



  1. What fun colours in your bouquet, and I agree, black bridesmaid dresses are the best. Looking good, Jenny, as usual. Thanks for the linky party :)

  2. That's a lovely bridesmaid dress. I love the fall flowers!

  3. Lovely, especially the autumnal colors in the bouquet and the sash that warm up the black dress. :)

  4. Lovely stylish bridesmaid dress and I love the bouquet! x

  5. Fabulous dress.. truly one you could wear again! Can't say that about too many bridesmaid dresses. Beautiful!

  6. My first LinkUp. Yay. Thanks :) Love the bridesmaid dress.

  7. Glad to see your bridesmaid dress is not from David's Bridal. Agreed on having a great bridesmaid dress that you'll be able to wear again.

  8. What a great idea for bridesmaid dresses- I'm so going to do that for my wedding if I get married! Or maybe little red dresses. Something in a wearable style anyway. And I love that her colors were autumnal to match the season.

  9. Love the dress! and the flowers... it feels classy and oh so autumn... love it!

  10. You look amazing, Jenny! And you can never go wrong with a Shabby Apple dress.

  11. I love the whole color scheme - the sash is such a nice touch! You look gorgeous:)

  12. You look so pretty Jenny! Love the hair, makeup, dress... Just the whole package!

  13. I love your hair and make-up! I have a giveaway going on on my blog right now! Check it out!

  14. I am wearing the SAME dress in a month for my friend's wedding. Looks fantastic on you!!

  15. i really love that as a bridesmaids look!

  16. You looked beautiful and I like the bride's choice of flowers!

  17. How fun you got to wear a shabby apple dress for your bridesmaid dress! Your makeup looks super pretty too! It was good finally meeting you the other day :)

  18. I recognized that as a Shabby Apple dress as soon as I saw the pictures of you in your sister's wedding the other day! Does that mean that I've perused the Shabby Apple website a little too thoroughly?

  19. How pretty! Congrats on being the sister of the bride!!! ~Sarah
