
Guest Post & Giveaway: Dearest Lou

One of my favorite blogs for style inspiration is Dearest Lou.  I was lucky enough to meet Cecilia at a local blogger meet up...and she is just as sweet and beautiful as she appears on her blog!  I am so happy to have Cecilia here today to answer some questions, so you all can get to know a little about her.  She also has a giveaway for you lovely readers, so be sure to enter using the Rafflecopter widget at the bottom of the post!   

How long have you been interested in fashion? Why did you decide to start posting pictures of your outfits?
I’ve been really interested in fashion ever since eighth grade. I remember prior to that I wasn’t really picky about what I wore but I remember wearing gap kids a lot growing up. By the time I started eighth grade I started developing my own sense of style and shopping for myself. I look back at pictures of myself and laugh at how horrible I use to do my makeup and how boring my outfit choices were. I decided to start posting pictures of my outfits mainly because of encouragement from a few of my close friends and peers in college who commented on my clothing and liked the way I dressed.

How has your personal style evolved since you started your blog? 
I don’t really have a specific style, it’s all over the place, but I guess it’s just gotten more and more eccentric as the months have gone by. I’m guessing I will mellow down and dress a little more professionally once I start my business career with my father, but we’ll see.

I love the way you are able to mix unique pieces in your outfits.  Any tips on how to combine fun pieces without looking like a toddler who dressed themself?
Thanks so much, that is very flattering of you to say! One of my biggest suggestions is to not be afraid to step out of your comfort zone! Whenever I go to the thrift store or shopping at a regular store I will try things on that I think are ugly or something I would never wear. Half of the time I walk out of the store with that item and it becomes one of my favorite pieces of clothing. Also, if you see another fashion blogger wearing something and you think it’s cute, it’s worth finding something similar and trying it out for yourself, you have nothing to lose (:

What TV show are you embarrassed about watching?
Well to be honest, I don’t really watch any TV. My husband and I usually watch movies in our free time. The only show I’ve been watching as of late was Mad Men and HIMYM, but both seasons ended for the year.

Do you prefer flats or heels?
I honestly prefer flats for comfort, but heels for look. I feel that heels make me look leaner and taller. If I ever wear heels somewhere I always carry a pair of flats in my purse just in case my feet get tired or we do a lot of walking.

What are your goals for the next year?
My biggest goal for the next year is to prepare to become a great mother and to love and take care of our little one on the way. I also want to live a better lifestyle and prepare nutritious meals for my family, but that’s going to take a lot of work since I’m not the greatest cook!


Don't you just love Cecilia?  She is going to be the cutest mom and I can only imagine how adorable that little baby is going to be!  Today Cecilia is giving away a Medium Ad Space on Dearest Lou for the month of July!  Just enter using the Rafflecopter widget below and the giveaway will be open until June 29th...good luck and make sure to stop by and say hello to Cecilia over at Dearest Lou!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Also, the winner of the EcoShag giveaway is Sophie...congrats!


  1. I'm going to guess girl!

  2. I will guess a girl ;)

    Les Johnson

  3. My guess is girl!

    I love those teal pants :)

  4. Congrats to Cecilia! I'm going to guess boy! :)


  5. I cheated and already looked at her latest blog post-It's a boy!!!! Thanks for this lovely giveaway. I am a new blogger just entering the blog world and would love to win!!
