
Welcome to Plane Pretty

With the end of the year only two days away, I decided it was the perfect time to revamp this little blog of mine.  For a while now I've had an overwhelming urge to shift my focus a bit and become more of a "lifestyle blogger".  I want this to be a place where I can share more about my various interests.  I want this to be a place where I can document my travels and experiences as a flight attendant.  Most importantly, I want this to be a place where I can be myself.  

Outfit posts will still be a regular occurrence (I still have to get dressed after all!) and many other aspects of this blog will remain the same.  However, I want this blog to be more genuine...more REAL.  So, Modern Modest Beauty is now Plane Pretty.  These two words sum up my career/love of travel, as well as my interest in fashion/beauty/other pretty things.  

Change is inevitable.  People grow and priorities shift.  What started out as motivation to get out of my sweatpants has grown into a blog with far more readers than I ever expected.  But it's time for me to make a slight adjustment and I'm pretty excited about it (and a little nervous).  I'm so very thankful for those of you who read my posts and leave such sweet comments.  I've made some great friends through blogging and those relationships and connections I make are the main reason I keep posting.  I really hope those of you who have been following along for a while will keep reading.  If you are a new reader I encourage you to stay a while and I would love for you to follow along and join me on my adventures in fashion and flight!

Please make sure you update your bookmarks and I would love for you all to like the Plane Pretty Facebook Page (since Facebook wouldn't let me move my followers or change the name of my old page).  You can also find me on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram or RSS.  Thanks so much for your support and I can't wait to see what the new year has in store!


  1. Look forward to seeing all your travels (and of course, what you wear while you're out and about)!

  2. So cute!! Love the new change!


  3. So excited for the new name, and I love it. Good for you for changing!
    Happy Saturday!

  4. Wow, I'm excited for this change! Love it!

  5. Sounds like a great change!! Look forward to it!!


  6. I love it! I think change is something we should always welcome(: I am excited about your "new" blog and I cant wait to read your postings!
    Chelsea @ TheInspiredRose.blogspot.com

  7. so exciting! i want to see more of your travel posts!

  8. I think if its more you, definitely do it! I'll stick around :) I'd love to see your adventures.

  9. That is tooo funny I was thinking of doing the same! Can't wait to follow you. =]


  10. Stopping by to send a hello all the way from Florida! I'm so happy to have found your blog through Style Elixir's Style Sessions! You were a fabulous Head Stylist.

