
I need a nap

Sweater: c/o Lulu's, Jeans: Old Navy, Boots: Bass, Necklace: Simply Livly

I know you saw most of this outfit in my last post, but I got sent off to work and have absolutely NO time to share anything else with you right now!  I CAN NOT WAIT until life calms down a little bit.  I feel like I have been going non-stop and I could really use a nice relaxing vacation right about now.  Maybe a nice, warm and secluded beach?  Or possibly taking a leisurely stroll through an old European city, gazing at the beautiful architecture and eating crepes.  Either one will do.  Speaking of travel...I think there are going to be some changes to this blog pretty soon :)


  1. Aw, I hope you're able to relax and rest soon! (you look good by the way)...and of COURSE now we're all dying to know what your travel-blog reference is to! :)

  2. Oh take me with you!! haha!
    I love this outfit and just saw that sweater today on Lulu's! :D
    Oooooo what's gonna change around these parts?! So excited!

  3. The necklace looks so good with the sweater!

    Wishing you all the best. Take it easy :)

  4. oh i love this sweater so so much! i kinda think if i had it i'd want to wear it all the time! xxx

  5. Lovely outfit! I'll have to check out LULUs! :)
    I think I have the same pair of pants! I found them at a thrift shop, and they fit me perfectly! Not too tight, not too loose! Love them!
    A Modest Fashion Blog:
