
Bloggers Give Back: Help Support Some Great Causes!

I am SO SO SO excited about today's post!  This month I'm participating in a project called "Bloggers Give Back".  Each of these lovely ladies has chosen a special charitable cause to donate to.  The best part is that YOU can help determine how much of a difference we make in the lives of others! 

The amount each blogger donates is based on how many new followers they receive in the specified period of time.  Here are the other ladies participating: Little Miss Fearless, Beauty & Truth, Style with Shannon, Moiology, Jen Clyde Stylist, Haircut and General Attitude, and Gentri Lee.  You can read a little about each of their individual projects above, but I encourage you to visit all of their blogs to learn more and follow along!  

Now, let me tell you a little more about my project.  As you may already know, I'm a flight attendant.  This job has given me the opportunity to fulfill one of my biggest passions in life: travel!  Since I am able to travel internationally at a low cost, I have been wanting to take a trip to deliver a few suitcases full of items for kids in a poverty-stricken country.  I'm still in the planning process and haven't decided on a specific country yet, but I know that there are children all over the world who don't even have enough to meet their basic needs.  So, for every 5 GFC or Facebook followers I receive, from now until the end of December, I will personally donate a book, box of crayons, toy or other item to deliver on my trip.  

If you are already a follower of my blog and still want to help, you can donate any amount using the button below.  100% of your contribution will be used towards purchasing items for the children in need.  Please join us in our attempt at making the world a little bit happier this holiday season!