
The Great Legging Debate

Top: Ross, Cardigan: DownEast Basics (old), Leggings: c/o Oasap, Boots: EMU, Ring: c/o Oasap

I have always been a big supporter of the idea that leggings should not be worn as pants.  I will wear them with dresses, sweaters and shirts, as long as they cover my rear end and my upper thighs.  However, these leggings from Oasap are really thick...thicker than sweatpants even, because they have a lining on the inside to keep your legs warm.  Since they are so thick and 100% opaque, I decided to break my usual leggings rule.  When my friend saw me wearing these, she told me that I should wear a longer shirt with them, so it got me wondering what other people thought.  

Where do you draw the line when it comes to leggings?  I know there are some people that will only wear them under an item of clothing that is knee-length or longer.  Then there are some people who have no problem wearing leggings as pants.  Others (like me) fall somewhere in the middle.  I'm not saying that any of these are right or wrong, but I'm curious to hear your thoughts.  Even taking modesty out of the equation, which do you think looks best?  I definitely don't think thin leggings look good as pants, simply because they do not hide a person's flaws...at all.  

P.S.  I pretty much lived in these EMU boots last winter.  I don't care if they are not "fashionable"...they are so comfy and keep my feet nice and cozy!


  1. I'm pretty much with you I think. I mostly want my butt covered, but it's a kind of case by case basis for me.

  2. ps. I LOVE your hair (and this outfit =)

    1. Thanks Tina! I agree about the case by case basis, because everyone has different body types and wears things differently.

  3. haha!
    I must first say that you look super cute in these pictures!

    AND I totally agree with you about the wearing-leggings-as-pants thing... I think it's a big no-no because I feel it's really tacky! lol

    However, I can't really tell enough with these. They do look really cute, so I'm not sure if I would have an aversion to them (leggings worn as pants, oh no!) in real life or not. lol :)


    1. Thanks Bonnie! I think I will just play it safe from now on, haha :)

  4. To me these look more like cool patterned pants rather than leggings so I'm all for them. My rule is if they look thin, make my legs looks wobbly or give have am unflatering crotch then it's a big no.

    - Ididtellyou.blogspot.com

    1. Yeah, the unflattering crotch is definitely a no-no...haha :)

  5. I vote no. At the end of the day, nobody's gonna notice how thick they are; they'll only notice how outlined your butt and your legs are.

    SUPER cute leggings, though. Would totally wear them (just under something..;)

    1. That's true. But what about super tight stretchy skinny jeans? I have seen some that seem to be painted on. I think the same rule would apply to those, but for some reason people seem to think that since they are jeans it's ok, haha. I think I will want to wear them under something next time anyway, because I would prefer a bit less of the print showing...maybe underneath a skirt!

    2. I totally agree Jenny. And for me, the rule does apply to both. A lot of it though, is in how you personally wear the clothes too. Modest clothes can still be immodest when the girl is still "flaunting her body". Very good point though!
      Alesha <3

    3. Ha, I don't really like the look of those either. I think they make people look stiff. :p

      And with modesty in consideration, modesty is all about keeping yourself sacred/special for your someone, and unfortunately both painted-one skinnies and leggings don't leave much to the imagination.

    4. And, p.s., I'm totally buying some of these!!

    5. I totally agree with both of you. It is never my intention to flaunt my body in any way, but sometimes it's hard to see that what you are wearing is doing exactly that. I am so glad I wrote this post and thank you so much for your insight!

  6. I've never liked wearing leggings as pants but mostly because of my body type. I think it's important to be conscious of your body type and be honest with yourself about what looks good and what doesn't. For me, tight leggings, draw major attention to my backside, because it's bigger than most, being a hispanic and all! lol So I would wear leggings with longer shirts or shorter dresses. But then I've seen other ladies with thinner frames and they don't look bad on them...so I'd say it's a case by case basis.

    By the way, those leggings are so cute! Love them!!!



    1. I totally agree with you on being conscious of your body type...although I wish I had more of a backside, haha. Thanks!

  7. I don't know, i think it depends on the person. You are slender and I think you can get away with it. Those of us with a more substantial backside....can't. I would wear them with a longer tunic and belt. For maternity wear this time around, i am all about leggings and long shirts, for comfort.

    1. Leggings are the best for maternity wear...I was ALL about comfort when I was pregnant!

  8. I don't know, i think it depends on the person. You are slender and I think you can get away with it. Those of us with a more substantial backside....can't. I would wear them with a longer tunic and belt. For maternity wear this time around, i am all about leggings and long shirts, for comfort.

  9. Yep, I vote no too. I work with the YW in my ward and if one of the girls came to a dance or something wearing something like this, we'd have a problem. I don't think that the standards change as we grow into adulthood, in fact once you become endowed I think you have to be MORE mindful of the image that you're putting out there. I think that leggings need something longer over the top, the same way that tights do.

    1. Thanks so much for the input! I also think the standards increase as we grow older, especially being a mom. But, I do believe there is a huge difference between tights and leggings. I guess it doesn't matter how thick/opaque the leggings are though. Maybe if they were black, cause then they would just look like black skinnies. Out of curiosity...have you had any problem with the YW wearing super tight pants, thinking that it's ok since they are pants and not leggings?

    2. We actually have and we had to sit the girls down in a combined YW lesson and explain that modesty isn't JUST about how much skin they have covered and how much they don't. If their clothing is leaving nothing to the imagination, then it's not modest, you know what I mean? It was frustrating and it IS really hard to have to tell them that sometimes they'll just have to say no to something that's in style or in fashion because it's contrary to the belief system that they claim to profess. We definitely told them that we feel their pain and that it's not a problem that just goes away; that we as leaders still struggle with this issue. We did stress that it's a question of agency and that they can choose to do what they like, but that they are not free to choose the consequences of those actions (i.e. wearing immodest clothing = not being able to go to a church activity like a dance). It's a hard lesson and a lot of the girls weren't happy with us, but we have seen an improvement in their overall dress standards.

  10. Love them, but I do agree with the "have your bum covered" rule. BUt this outfit is still super cute.

    1. Thanks! You can't tell in these pics, but my bum is mostly covered...however, the front is not, which is the main problem I think. Either way, my husband absolutely hates these leggings...so they probably won't be worn too much anyway, haha.

  11. The outfit is cute, but the pattern draws attention to your legs and they are very, very fitted. If they were solid I might be fine with them. =) Hope this perspective helps.
    Alesha <3

    1. That is exactly what I was thinking! When they are solid you don't notice as much, but the pattern does bring attention to the tightness. Thank you!

    2. You're welcome. My sister had a solid pair that was almost sweat pant material too because it was so thick. They had pockets sewn on and everything. She also bought a fitted but not tight pair an you couldn't tell they weren't jeans til you looked closely.0

  12. I think you look adorable! I agree with the whole covering the butt rule, I apply that same rule to myself when wearing leggings. Those are awesome leg gins and I would wear them like that also! :)

    1. Oh my goodness, "leggings" not leg gins... I am not a hick I swear! :)

    2. Hahaha, I figured that was what you meant :)

  13. oh agreed! leggings can not be worn as pants and when wearing legging, one must be certain they are not somewhat see through and that your thighs and butt are covered by opaque leggings, please ladies always check for that!!

    1. It's true...also, sometimes leggings may seem completely opaque when you look in the mirror at your house, but when you get into other lighting they might look different!

  14. Whenever I see people wearing leggings as pants I ALWAYS do a double-take because it looks like they forgot to put half of their outfit on. I don't like to leave any doubt as to whether or not I'm fully clothed. :)

    1. Haha, I do the same thing...especially if I can see someones underwear lines! Plus they just aren't really flattering alone :)

  15. I have been asking myself the same question! I have seen some girls wear them as pants and I feel a little awkward about it, and I know I couldn't pull it off, but I think there are some advantages to it. Like wearing leggings with boots would be awesome because you wouldn't have to tuck heavy jeans into your boots. If I'm considering modesty I don't know if I could do it. The leggings I own are too thin to pull off as pants.

    1. Just get some stretchy skinny jeans. They don't have to be super tight and they should still be easy to put into a pair of boots!

  16. if they were thick, I would totally rock them like you are in this pic! super cute!

  17. I've always declared "leggings aren't pants!" But modesty is subjective.

  18. I have the HARDEST time deciding. The For the Strength of Youth pamphlet classifies tight clothing as immodest, and leggings are pretty well defined as tight, I think. but some are less tight, some are thicker (like the super cute ones you're wearing here), etc. And I LOVE me some jeggings. I look great in them, they are so comfortable... I just don't know. Plus, I don't think it's an issue if something is tight on my calves... I would wear skirts that show off my calves with nothing on them, so why would it be an issue. But when the leggings are tight on my thighs? That should probably be a different story, right? Soooo, maybe this comment isn't helpful at all, because what I'm really saying is, I'm not sure.

    1. Haha! Elise, I think your comment is my favorite...cause it pretty much sums up how I feel!

  19. I agree with you in that I will wear leggings with a top that is tunic-style. I usually try for at least mid-thigh, so there is no chance of my bottom area showing. I think this outfit is cute, but for me, I would need the top a bit longer. It looks nice on you though.

  20. I think this outfit is very cute. I'm with you that it is very difficult to know where to draw the line. I enjoyed reading all the perspectives and was very appreciative of all the modest ladies who commented! Thanks for bringing up the issue.

    1. Thanks! I'm so glad I brought it up as well! It's so great hearing everyone's opinion :)

  21. i would definitely wear any sort of leggings under a long top!

    Really love this outfit!!


  22. I love leggings! I don't like wearing them out without a top covering my bottom though :)At home, it's a different story ;)


    1. Oh yes, at home I will wear them with ANYTHING!

  23. I love your outfit! Those leggings look amazing on you! But, I do have to say that I agree with your usual take on leggings. I refuse to wear them without covering my behind and my upper thighs. I sometimes get shocked by the things I see when I'm walking down the streets in Philadelphia because of how liberally people wear their leggings...

    In this case, those leggings almost look like printed skinny jeans! I think that if you consider them opaque enough, then they could totally work as pants. I don't think that some of the skinny jeans that people wear are any less form-fitting than leggings.


    1. Thank you! I would love to live in Philadelphia, it looks like such a cool city. I bet there is good "people-watching", haha :)

  24. I myself will not wear leggings no matter how thick they are if I don't wear something that fully covers up the crotch and buttock area. Even tight jeans can look more skin tight than leggings, wearing a pair can show off everything, and that's what I'm not comfortable with. ^_^

    Visit me:
    LeeAnne, Style N Season

    1. I agree, some tight jeans are just as bad. I don't think you should ever wear something that you don't feel comfortable with and wearing these as pants made me feel a little awkward.

  25. I guess I'm the wrong person to comment on this, because I normally only wear skirts and dresses, lol! I don't own a pair of leggings, and doubt I ever would, and I only wear my sweat pants to the Y. I have NEVER, nor would I EVER let our daughter, wear pj bottoms as pants. Gosh, do I sound like an old "fuddy duddy"?! I try to hold reasonably well to the part in Scripture where it tells women that they should dress like women.

    1. Haha, you aren't an old fuddy duddy. I let my daughter wear leggings as pants sometimes, but that is because she is 4 years old. If I had a teenage daughter you better believe she would not be wearing leggings as pants, haha. And I like to dress feminine, but I do wear pants a lot.

  26. I love your outfit. So pretty!! I wear leggings like you, ONLY if my rear is covered. I hate walking around town and seeing some women jiggly rear in a pair of leggings. Its gross. And although people tell me I could get away with it, I don't try. I know there are kids and creepers looking at me and I like what I have to stay private. Glad to see you feel the same. Still your too cute. =]

    1. Thank you! I agree...I really don't like to see bodies jiggling around in things they shouldn't be wearing. Even people that can get away with it...I don't want to see their private parts :)

  27. I really like the pattern of those leggings, and I decided that I want some patterned leggings for Christmas, but I think a shirt would have to be pretty much at mid-thigh for me to wear leggings. I just don't feel comfortable wearing them unless under a skirt or a longer tunic--I like the stiffness and thickness of jeans otherwise.

    1. I think mid-thigh is a great length when wearing a top/dress with leggings. You should totally get some for Christmas, you would look so great in them!

  28. Omg, I love those leggings. I personally think it depends on the quality of the leggings and the person wearing them. Everyone should know their limits and if they should/should not wear leggings as pants. You know what I am saying. You look super cute and I think your leggings look appropriate.

    1. Oh, I definitely know what you are saying! And thanks Amanda :)

  29. You look so cute!! I only wear leggings with long shirts and dresses, otherwise I feel naked :) I think it's a little different with thick patterned leggings like yours though. You look fantastic!

    1. Thanks Lena! I did feel a little naked, it was weird!

  30. They are just too clingy for me. I'd wear them with a longer belted shirt but I'd want something covering me. I just don't think the super skin tight is very modest. However, that being said, you look cute with your color choices.

    1. I agree. It's weird cause I felt too naked without a longer shirt over it, since that is what I am used to and comfortable with. You shouldn't wear something if you aren't comfortable in it...so no more leggings as pants for me, haha.

  31. I am all for leggings as pants, as long as your top covers your bum. Even if it's juuuuust barely covering, I think that's perfectly fine! :) I have a few leggings that are super thick, and honestly there is no true difference between them and super skinny jeans!! You are absolutely rocking those winter leggings!


  32. I think it totally depends on your personal comfort level with it and your body type. You look totally cute, but I could never pull this off without a longer top. I do however always wear leggings with shorter skirts and dresses and longer shirts! I love these leggings by the way!

  33. I feel that there's not much else to say since there's so many other good comments already on here, but honestly, I think the any article of clothing (pants OR even some skirts...) that is too form-fitting around the behind and thigh area is not appropriate. Skinny jeans, and leggings, and tights, and yoga pants (worn out, not around the house), fall into that category. They just don't leave much to the imagination, and I don't want to know what some guys would have running through their head. And on top of that, I think they are just bad fashion as often they make even the skinniest person seem to have a very large backside and disproportionately small legs. I would wear leggings under a knee-length skirt to stay warm, or under shorts while working out, personally. That's just my thoughts.


  34. Your outfit is way cute, but not many people can pull off tightness above the knees.

    It's okay if the bum is covered by whatever's on top (tunic and whatnot).

    When it comes to strict modesty though, leggings are not an excuse to wear shorter dresses, sorry! Even with the four year old in my Sunday School class today - - - while she did look adorable I thought to myself that grey stripe leggings are not an excuse for a mini skirt - what kind of lessons does that teach her about clothes and modesty when we say, 'all dresses knee length.... oh except for that denim mini you wear with the skin tight leggings. Yeah, go ahead and let your butt hang out, as long as it's striped with cuteness'...

  35. I wear leggings as pants when I have a longer sweater to cover my rump as well, and usually will wear a pair of tights underneath them for some extra modesty! But to me, if you wear blue jeans, skinny or not, that are not falling off of you baggy, you can't say leggings are any less modest than jeans, but that is just my opinion! So until they rule out jeans, you can't rule out leggings, but ladies should wear them as modestly minded as possible. I don't think those leggings you are wearing are any less modest than a fitted pair of jeans! I would't question that outfit for a second but I love seeing how other people feel about the issue, very interesting topic, thanks Jenny!

  36. I think people who wear just leggings look horrendous! It looks like they forget to get dressed, or don't care enough about their personal apperance to get dressed in the morning! Very immodest to have everything you own hanging out for people to oggle at! I think Leggings are wayyyyyy too tight to wear on their own. I also think tight jeans are immodest as well. That being said, your leggings are SUPER CUTE! I would wear them under a knee length skirt in winter. They would be wonderful to wear to my sons hockey games. :)

  37. This is funny because today is the first day I ever wore leggings without a long shirt, skirt, or dress!! They were black and thicker than normal leggings and they have a leather stripe down the sides. I love them! I wore a peplum top with it and I felt uncomfortable because I was uncertain if this was "acceptable" LOL. Whateverrrr...I say dress in what makes you feel good! That's my opinion:)

  38. I don't think leggings are pants. In India I wear salwar kameez, but they are not tights, they are loose pants are loose with a drawstring, and the tunic is knee length. Personally, I don't like the idea of having anything skintight over my read end - leggings or skinny jeans. I just feel so exposed.

  39. I............... am gonna get shot for saying this, but I think leggings CAN be worn as pants! I just don't like it when people with huge thighs or bubble butts wear them to campus or something... as sad as it is,it's just no good. I do wear leggings all the time (at home of course.. or if i have to go get milk really fast or something) but when I'm in public, I always make sure my bum and crotchy area are covered (and garment lines haha). I think it's cute! and you're sooo right- I've seen "skinny pants" that are basically the exact same thing as leggings!!! people make too much of a big deal out of the leggins, but that is just my own opinion.

  40. I think you are brave to post this question. Haha. I started out as a "EW LEGGINGS ARE NOT PANTS." But... It's grown on me. I have two super black pairs of leggings and one brown pair. My brown ones feel like I have a draft but my black pairs feel more like skinny jeans. Such as here...https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=4411737665663&set=a.3367510720642.139422.1655405271&type=1&theater
    I wear them around with long hoodies on lazy days etc :)

    I'm with all the people who say wear what is comfortable. Those are ADORABLE!

  41. Very funny combo!


  42. i have the same legging rules and because you broke yours and look fly, i will break mine. hoping i look fly too! lol p/s: HEART your outfit post! xoxo, Tiff ~ Clothed Much :)

  43. You do look super cute and super cozy, but I would stick with the "leggings are not pants" rule and cover your thighs :).
