
Flight Attendant Diaries: Random Thoughts

Thought #1: When people sleep with their mouth open I want so badly to take a picture.  I also wish I had popcorn...so I could try to toss it into their mouth.  Wouldn't that be a fun game?  I don't think it would go over too well with the passengers though.  (P.S. I created that amazing cartoon...yeah, I've got skills, hahaha!)
Thought #2: Why do some parents act more obnoxious than their children?  I see this fairly often.  The parents throw tantrums, leave garbage all over the floor, and use foul language...right in front of their kids!  I am honestly worried for our future generations, especially with a lack of role models in the home.  There is less and less "parenting" happening in today's society.  Many parents are more concerned about being their child's "friend", so any type of discipline is out of the question.  It's just so frustrating to me, because I am trying my hardest to raise my own children to be polite, considerate, honest and all-around good people. 

Thought #3: Sometimes I am puzzled by the gorgeous young women who marry not-so-attractive old men with money.  I would never consider marrying someone for their wealth, but obviously not everyone shares that same mentality.  While working on the airplane, I have witnessed these types of marriages firsthand (usually in First Class).  Sometimes the couple doesn't seem to connect on any level, but other times the two are very obviously in love.  Maybe the initial attraction was the money, but they fell in love over time...or maybe it had nothing to do with money in the first place.  I think Holly Madison was one of those cases where the pretty young woman really did love the rich old man, even if it was for money at first.  Either way, someone please tell me I'm not the only one that: a) is guilty of watching this trash, and b) thought that Hef and Holly were going to get married and live happily ever after (or until he kicked the bucket). 

That's all the random flight attendant thoughts for now, but you better believe there will be more where that came from.


  1. hahah too funny! What airline do you work for? I work for Jetblue but in their customer support :)

  2. Awesome drawling!! You are very talented!! I totally agree with your number 2 thought... it's so sad!

    1. Well, I didn't actually draw it...I just created it on a website that lets you make your own comics, but thanks! And yeah, #2 is super sad :(

  3. Thank you so much for stopping by! I think I'm one of those who sleep with my mouth open in a plane. If I ever fly with your airline and you see me...go ahead wake me up...I don't mind at all somebody telling me how funny I look :) Following!

    1. Haha, I am one of those people too...which is why I can't sleep on planes!

  4. Take the picture but don't throw the popcorn :) Stopping over from Joy2Journey. I love your thoughts!

    1. Yeah, I think I will keep the popcorn game to my imagination! Thanks for stopping by :)

  5. haha love your little popcorn cartoon!

    and definitely agree about the parenting thing. it's so sad to think these kids are growing up with really no discipline and it's scary to think of how they will turn out. i just pray they do have some good role models in their lives, even if their parents aren't.

    and i felt the same about holly and hef, as much as i hate to admit it! i always felt bad for her that she had to share him with the other girls, but then i really thought about the situation, and it's quite sickening. so. my advice is to not think about it too much! ha!

  6. I totally watched that trash too. But dang it they were likeable! And i totally thought they were going to get married and live happily ever after! BOO!

  7. Hi! I am new follower of your blog and I have to tell you I have experienced nearly all of your thoughts :) Please do share if you ever can't resist and throw that piece of popcorn in..lol
    From Jenny @ www.cassandrazcorner.blogspot.com

  8. HAHA too funny! Except for the parent thing... I see far too many parents that don't make their own children behave. Kills me.

  9. I really liked that show too(stopped watching after holly and the girls left though) And thought the same thing, they were going to get married :)

  10. loved this!! and i agree about the parents. i hope i can teach Elijah well and be a good example. that's my biggest worry.

    and i totally watched Girls Next Door every so often and felt bad for Holly too. she seriously loved him it was so sad that they didn't get together

  11. I have always hoped that Holly and Hef would make it work!
