
August Sponsor Spotlight

Sorry about missing Manicure Monday yesterday...I got stuck in Portland. It was an incredibly stressful experience, but I am so happy and grateful that I was finally able to get home! I had a great time at my 10 year high school reunion and will have to post about that later, because right now it's time for me to introduce some of my lovely August sponsors! I asked them what their favorite part of Summer has been so far and this is what they had to say:

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"The sun!  I crave Vitamin D like no other!  It makes me a happy girl!" ~Ashley
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"My favorite part of the summer so far has been watching the Olympics! Despite my lack luster enthusiasm for most sports, I LOVE the Olympics! Its like the athletes are winning for all of us and I love to watch one come from behind and win it all. Seeing the USA gymnastics team win gold was a highlight for me. And of course, the opening  ceremonies were pretty amazing too!" ~Laurel
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"The best part of my summer has been spending quality time with my husband and family. I've also really enjoyed feeling our little boys kicks get stronger and more frequent throughout the last couple of weeks." ~Cecilia
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"I don't know if it's the best part about this summer {since it's been a pretty rough transition} but definitely the most significant thing that happened this summer is moving to Arizona for my husband's schooling. We are excited for the new adventure, though we kind of feel like we're dying everyday from heat. But we will get used to it soon right?? We are trying to maintain some hope!" ~Megan
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"The best part of my summer so far has been literary lunch hour with my kids. We are working through the Harry Potter books-starting with number one, and now into number four. I love their excitement in hearing the next part of the story. And I love having this quality time with them everyday. Definitely a trend that is going to continue throughout the school year." ~Bernadette
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"The best part of my summer so far has to be all the traveling we've done. My husband and I took a HUGE family vacation around parts of Germany and Italy, a quiet lake vacation in Bavaria for our 5th wedding anniversary, and we just got back from an amazing trip to Paris with friends! I always look forward to traveling, but somehow summertime makes it even more fun!" ~Casey
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Tiffany is currently relaxing in Hawaii, so I'm just going to assume that is what she's enjoying about this summer!  Especially all the shave ice she has been eating...yum!

Make sure to go check out all of these lovely ladies...I'm sure you will adore them as much as I do!

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