
Has it Really Been 10 Years?!

Simona.  My high school best friend.  One of the kindest people I know.

Marchelle.  AKA Marshmallow.  So many good times with this girl.

Todd.  My date to Senior Prom and a great friend.

Laura.  Beautiful and smart.  One of the few people I could talk to for hours.
The people in these pictures are some of my dearest friends from high school.  I still keep in touch with them, but it's so hard living in a different state!  This past weekend I flew up to Portland for my 10 year high school reunion.  It was so great to see old faces and hear about what they have been up to.  Ok, maybe I already knew how most of these people were doing...darn Facebook!  It was still so much fun getting together and seeing them in person.

Getting old is weird.  I mean, I don't feel like I am old...but somehow 10 years has passed since I graduated high school.  I have been married for 7 years.  My daughter is starting preschool.  Ummm...how does time go by so quickly?!  I don't like it.  I feel like I need to start living my life more and experience everything I possibly can in my time here on Earth.  I want to be a better mom.  I want to be a better wife, daughter and sister.  I want to strengthen my faith and work on being a more kind, honest and genuine person.  I want to get healthy, by eating right and exercising regularly.  I want to get my house clean and organized, but more importantly I want to keep it that way (instead of letting it get messy again, like I always do).  I don't know how this just turned into my list of goals, but it feels good to get this off my chest...I hope you all don't mind my ramblings!

P.S. The dress I wore to the reunion is from eShakti.  They sent me a coupon code for all of you lovely readers to take advantage of.  You can use promo code JE28NNY to get 10% off your purchase, which can be used along with current promotions (such as their Buy 1 Get 1 Half off)!  I love their customizable options that really help make clothing more modest...I had sleeves added to my dress and you would never know they weren't there to begin with!

And the winner of the Girls4Sport giveaway is Ki...congrats!


  1. Getting old? Ten years later and you still look the same! :)

    1. Well, there are definitely some wrinkles and gray hairs that weren't there ten years ago :)

  2. Its crazy how fast time goes by!!


    1. It really is! The older I get, the faster it seems to pass!

  3. Wow 10 years... I've got two to go til mine. That dress is so pretty! Looks great with your dark hair!

    1. You are not an old lady like me yet Kassi, hahaha. And thank you :)

  4. Wow!! I love this post. I didn't make it to my 10 year reunion last weekend. But I love how you displayed all the photos. Following from the blog hop :-)
