
Guest Post & Giveaway: Fashion Utah

June of 2012 was a bad month for Utahns. A poll came out stating that Utah was the second worst dressed state in America. Second worst. Did anyone else just feel a stinging pain in their heart?

Growing up in Utah, I always heard about our lack of fashion. And hey, I admit, I probably looked silly as I walked into school with twelve chains around my neck and brown jeans, but Arby’s always taught me that different is good – right?

The Beehive State may not be known for its fashion forward risks, but we here at Fashion Utah think you’d be surprised to see what the state has to offer. For example, did you know we have two H&M’s, Tiffany & C0, Michael Kors, Bettie Page and Kiehl’s?

If that doesn’t convince you that Utah is moving into the fashion age, check out Lime Ricki swimwear, which is based in Utah (even if most of their suits are bought by out-of-staters). We have great fashion stylists to help mom’s look skinnier, teach you fashion DIYs and even how to dress for Cochella (if you ever make it to the coast). Now throw in some NAHA winners, some amazing model scouts and emerging designers and soon you’ll see that the fashion world is starting to break seams.

Check out the Fashion Round Up every week on Fashion Utah!

Fall fashion is the perfect time to explore our terrain. August is full of mall fashion shows, but September will really kick the season up a notch. Keep your eye out for shows like RAW, Art Meets Fashion and Fashion Night Out.

So whether you live in Utah or are planning a vacation, pencil in a few hours to visit some local shopping treasures. And if you don’t know where to start, Fashion Utah has lists by regions and is currently highlighting the best places to find fall trends.

We hope to see you soon – after all, we need you fashionistas to show the world that Utah is all its cracked up to be! So check out our page for more information on all of Utah’s fall fashion events.


Utah’s own Got Beauty has consistently won national awards, including one of the Best 25 Beauty Stores in the nation. Please enter using the Rafflecopter widget below for a chance to win this set of OPI Shatter colors (turquoise, red and blue) and this cute make-up bag! You must be a follower of Modern Modest Beauty to be eligible.  The giveaway will be open until August 23rd and is only open to readers with a U.S. address.   Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I honestly like to shop at Target. Except I recently got discouraged because I bought a size 5 in pants, came home and it has the same measurements as a size 0 in another brand.

    Giving girls complexes about their pants size much?

    1. Hi Paige,

      Yikes! With a lot more companies turning to China for production, you'll notice sizes are smaller. We hope you found a pair that fit!

  2. I like Gateway Mall because they have LOTS of fun places to shop! (:

    1. We concur! There are so many great new shops there too!

  3. I would like to shop at Violet Hill Boutique! They look sooooo cool.

    1. We LOVE VIolet Hill! We've heard rumor that there may eventually be Facebook/online sales, so let's cross our fingers!

    2. I really need to make it up to Violet Hill. It sounds like they have a lot of cute and affordable stuff!

  4. Never been to Utah but love to check out Purse Dreams and Head over heals!

    1. Purse Dreams is just that - a dream! The shop is so friendly and they have amazing customer service. If you ever make it out to Utah, let us know! We'll meet you there!

  5. I would love to win! I'm big on thirfting, and I'm loving Old Navy right now!

  6. I love Plato's Closet! Such cute clothes, and super inexpensive since it's gently used. Perfect!

  7. I love to shop at Target. Some of my favorite pieces come from there, and every time I go, I always hit the clearance section to see what I can find.

  8. Target!!! Best place in the world :)

  9. Hi there!
    I'm visiting from Blogaholic. I'm following you now, here is my link to follow me back

  10. i've never been to utah, so i really have no idea. (i'm not one to shop at national chains when i'm away from home... it sort've defeats the point!) But I would like to visit Lake Powell & Moab some day.

    1. Well, if there are two beautiful places to be, you've selected well! In recent years, Moab (especially) has grown to quite a unique little tourist town. You'll find great handmade knick-knacks there, as well as some jewelry. Our editor Jet used to be a river guide down there, so we have a special place in our hearts for the area. It is beautiful! <3

  11. i've never been there before, but in Nashville I love to shop at the shops in hillsboro village, always something fun there!

  12. I've been shopping in a few boutiques in Moab, Utah and they were great :)

  13. What a cute little clutch! And, great to hear about all the shopping Utah has to offer - maybe I will visit someday!

  14. Thank you so much for offering such a lovely and generous giveaway. I would love to shop at The Green Ant: http://www.thegreenant.com/


    1. The Green Ant is one of those unique places that you fall in love with. Recently in Utah there's been a great modern architecture movement. There are stores (like the Green Ant) and real estate companies that specialize in this exact look. We drool over them all the time!

  15. I've never been to Utah - but I'm sure there are alot of unique boutiques I could investigate

  16. Never been. But I would like to go to an area with lots of indie shops.

    1. We think you'd really love Salt Lake. In recent years tons of great indie spots of been opening. If you ever make it out here, let us know. There are a few areas of the city we think you'd like!

  17. i've never been to utah but i'd definitely like to explore their local stores there. somewhere i've never shopped before.

    Win a $50 gift card to Cutieshey Clothing! Enter here. :)
    Want a pair of Lens Village Circle Lenses? Come and join my giveaway!


  18. I find myself going to Aeropostale, Plato's Closet & Target the most.

  19. My wardrobe is a mix of Talbot's, Old Navy, and Dress Barn. Target has cute things but I almost never shop there because it's in a very inconvenient location for me in my town.

  20. I just kind of shop anywhere! I love to hit up thrift stores and see what goodies I can find.

    1. We love an afternoon like that too! We love exploring small towns. You find amazing treasures there!

  21. I've never been to Utah but I love the Lime Ricki swimwear!
    kkondek at gmail.com

    1. We love Lime Ricki too! And the owners are amazing! A group of sisters got together to start the company. They are so much fun to be around and when you walk into the Utah location, you feel like you just walked into a beach town! <3

  22. Well I don't live in Utah, so sadly I can't answer the question but I do hope to win and would gladly show you love on my blog in return! :-) I added this giveaway to my Giveaways Galore list on my beauty blog! Hopefully it will give you more exposure as this blog post of mine gets HEAVY traffic! <3 XOXO http://yourbeautyjunkie.com/2012/08/16/giveaways-galore-20-fabulous-beauty-product-fashion-giveaways/

    1. I found you through Jamie's blog! I've never been to Utah either but if you have a good thrift store I'd love to shop there otherwise target is my go to:)

  23. I have never been, and I don't know where I'd go. But I love second hand shops, and I'd hang out with Jenny if I was ever in Utah.=)

  24. Tiffany & Co. of course!!

  25. i live in Ohio... but i love Old Navy


  26. I've never been to Utah, but my favorite place to shop is Kohls.

  27. Thanks for stopping by!!! I love H&M! Xo, Aimee

  28. Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment at my blog today! I am so thrilled to have met you and found your wonderful blog! I look forward to many more visits!

    Best wishes,
    Natasha in Oz

  29. Thank you for following my blog and leaving a comment - I am following you now via GFC. Have a great week, Jenny!

  30. Thank you for visiting my blog and becoming the latest follower. I am now following you also. Love your blog by the way. I also love giveaways. Have a blessed day hon.

  31. Well..being from Idaho..all my big shopping happens in Utah! In fact I will be there in a couple weeks! But I usually hit h&m, f21, dsw and express. I also love Franchesca's and it has recently opened there! I haven't made it to the new mall downtown..but I hear it's great!

  32. I'm jealous of any state with a Bettie Page! I recently discovered their store on a road trip...but the closest one is nine hours from my home! The husband says that's probably a good thing for our budget, though. :P

  33. I don't ever get to stop to shop when I am in Utah. But we know that you can find your last In & Out just south of Salt Lake. Love my In & Out burgers.

  34. Never been to Utah---love to shop at Gap/Target/Loft!

  35. Oh SO I've been to Utah once...back in 2001! We went to this outdoor mall that was AWESOME!! Totally loved that place. it's in Salt Lake. Do you know which one i'm talking about or is there more than 1??? LOL

    1. Kelly, that's The Gateway! I love it there :)

  36. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I as excited to see your giveaway. My little girls(tweens really) love nail polish and honestly, I am not a good advice giver in the beauty department. Following your blog now hoping to find some beauty advice I can pass on.

  37. I've heard Quincee's Boutique is really cool!

  38. I like to shop at Forever 21and H&M!!

  39. I have recently fallen in love with Target. I was exclusively shopping at Express but I don't live near one and I wanted more casual attire and that is Target!

  40. Depends on the Target, but the one near me is great. I also like Dillard's and Kohls and you can sometimes find great accessories at TJ Maxx. I hated hearing the report about Utah and it's poor fashion sense; I think it's the absolute opposite. I've never seen "polos in every color"... but I do see very stylish women! Maybe I'll start posting on the Utah style!

  41. I love shopping anywhere in washington that is my home! Rtrehuba@yahoo.com

  42. I've never been to Utah, but I love to shop at Target and Kohl's!

  43. I always have to stop at Downeast Basics when I come through town. So great! Utah may not be the chic-est but as far as I know Utah has the best-fashion-courtesy-of-Walmart due to the Bella Bird Line.

    1. Yes! I love Bella Bird...I don't know why they don't carry it in other places. I think it would go over well anywhere!

  44. i've never been to utah or really thought about going there! but i love shopping at mace's and nordstroms

  45. Never been to Utah, but I love finding good outlet malls! I bet you have at least one of those, right?

  46. I love finding good outlet malls! I have Never been to Utah.
