
Paris, Passengers, Preschool & Pretty Dresses

 Dear Husband: I hate when we don't see each other for a whole week. I need someone to snuggle with and I am kind of a scaredy cat.  Thank goodness you come home tonight!  And Dear Paris: I miss you.  I would love a chocolate croissant & some Nutella Crepes right now :)

Dear Passenger in 4C: Could you even breathe under that blanket? I hope that wasn't a used blanket, because if it was...that might not be sanitary.  And not to be rude or anything, but you kind of looked ridiculous. 

Dear Morgan: I can't believe you are starting preschool in a couple weeks. Please stop growing so fast, it makes me sad. However, you are getting smarter and smarter every day and I know you will have so much fun learning and making friends!

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Dear Shabby Apple: I must have your new Animalia dress. I need a size 8…k, thanks :)
Linking up to Friday's Letters at Adventures of Newlyweds!


  1. Your daughter is adorable!!! And I can see where missing Paris would be a problem... the hubs too... haha.

  2. Coming over from the GFC Hop on The Life of the not so ordinary Wife. I am following your GFC, I really like the layout of your blog. www.onecreativeprocrastinatinggal.blogspot.com

  3. Haha, hearing the things you post about your passengers makes me afraid to fly...what if I look ridiculous when I sleep on planes?! :)

    <3 Daryl
    Roots, Wings & Other Things.

    1. Oh, don't worry...I look totally ridiculous when I sleep on planes too. That is why I have the HARDEST time sleeping on planes!

  4. Hahaha! The passenger story made me laugh! I bet you see ALL kinds of "interesting" things! LOL

    1. Oh yes...I need to start sharing more of these stories :)

  5. paris is my favourite city in the whole world. i love that place so much, and miss it every day. that photo up there? PERFECTION! i need one like that with my hubby!!

    1. Seriously! I was only able to spend a couple days there and it DEFINITELY was not enough time. Luckily being a flight attendant makes it a little easier to get back there (So pretty much I need to stop making excuses and just go)!

    2. what a fun job!! i always thought it'd be such a good line of work, since i LOVE to travel and i LOVE flying! i just don't know if i could handle being away from home so often...

  6. That Eiffel tower pic is gorgeous. New follower.

  7. hahaha, that's exactly how I always want to be on flights because I get SO cold. Lets hope that wasn't me... kidding! Great letters! Happy Friday!

    Significance or Nothing.

  8. Love that dress! And Nutella crepes from Paris? I can only dream! Yum.

  9. LOL at the Passenger in 4C!!

    It is my dream to go to Paris one day. :)

    Returning the follow. Thanks for coming by.


  10. Paris is so wonderful.. but there is no place like home. Your daughter is darling, so leaving crepes but coming home to that must be completely worthwhile! :)

    1. Yeah, I think I'll take my family over crepes any day :)

  11. Nutella crepes...I die! Oh, and that dress is gorgeous!
