
Lilla Rose

I have been in desperate need of a new badge holder for work.  For the past 2.5 years I have been sporting the original lanyard we were given in flight attendant training.  It was very basic and far from cute (I would show you a picture, but I threw it away)...it was definitely time for the two of us to part ways!  One of my great sponsors, Jackie from Lilla Rose, was kind enough to send me a cute lanyard to review!

It's exactly what I was looking for!  It looks more like a piece of jewelry than a lanyard, don't you think?  The chain is really nice and I love all the detail.  By the way, I had to blur out the company name on my badge, because they are really particular about what you can put on the internet...so it's better safe than sorry!
Bobby Pins, Beaded Hair Sticks, Amber Hairband
Lilla Rose actually specializes in beautiful hair accessories, such as bobby pins, hair sticks, headbands and hair clips.

One of their most popular items is the flexi hair clip, which comes in 6 sizes.  The website has great hair tutorials for various styles you can achieve using the flexi clip, as well as a guide that helps you determine what size you would need.
Freestyle Princess Tiara Flexi Clip, Enchanting Copper Rose Flexi Clip

I love that Lilla Rose offers quality products at great prices.  I hope that you will go check out these fun accessories and you should also like Jackie's Facebook Page so you can be aware of the latest items and specials!  In August she is having free shipping for party orders over $20, as well as a buy 3 get one free special for all new customers. You just need to contact her when you order 3 and she will send a gift certificate for the freebie!


  1. Oh I need one of those. My badge clips and I always wear dresses so I have to carry it around all the time

  2. Thats so lovely, a real statement piece, It does look more like a piece of jewellery!!

    Please, if you have the time, could you pop over to my blog and comment on my recent post 'bargain hunter' as its entered into a competition and I really want to win, lol! Much appreciated ;)


  3. That is seriously so cute!! I do want one! Those others are so cute!

  4. That lanyard is fabulous! It really does look like jewellery!

  5. Thanks for all the lovely comments ladies! Feel free to contact me through my Lilla Rose website - lillarose.biz/jackiea - if you have questions about anything.
    Have a blessed day~
