
Lovely Things Thursday: Our First Link Party!

Lately, I have been inspired by so many different blogs. I have seen some really great crafts, outfits, recipes and other wonderful ideas from talented bloggers everywhere! That is why I wanted to start "Lovely Things Thursday", as a place for you to showcase anything lovely that you have made, created, worn, decorated...really anything goes (as long as it's not advertising for a business/Etsy shop or a link to a giveaway).

I can't wait to see what lovely things show up to this party. Here are just a couple rules:

1. Follow your host, Modern Modest Beauty, via Google Friend Connect, RSS, or Bloglovin'. I would love if you would follow on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest...but those are totally not required!
2. Link up to a specific blog post, not the main page of your blog. (No businesses, shops, giveaways, etc.)
3. Grab a button below and place it in your post or somewhere on your blog. A text link is also fine!
4. Check out some of the other great links and give some comment love!

Modern Modest Beauty

Next week I will be featuring my favorite links, so be sure to check back!  You can start submitting links at 5pm MST Wednesday night and the party will end Saturday night at 11:59pm.  Now, let's get this party started!



  1. So glad I came across your blog via CM! I'll definitely look forward to linking up tomorrow! Take care!
    The Mrs. and The Momma

  2. Thank you for the invitation...I have linked up my Glittered Eggs. ...and now off to browse your blog.

  3. Thank you so much for inviting me! I'm also hosting a link party right now and would love it if you stopped over and linked up www.thenymelrosefamily.blogspot.com/2012/03/whimsy-wednesdays-2.html. I'm off to visit the other blogs linked up. Thanks again!

  4. thanks for hosting and letting me know about your link up party! how exciting to be here for the first week, I know it is only going to get bigger and better in the weeks to come!

    (following you on twitter @ShanasShop)

  5. Thanks Jenny for inviting me to your party!! I appreciate you stopping by and leaving me a sweet comment:)

  6. Thanks for visiting my blog and for hosting!

  7. Hello
    I am Hezar from Stylishijabi: Modest Without Boundaries (www.stylishijabi.blogspot.com)

    Loving the modesty of your blog.

    I am having a giveaway of modest swimsuit valued up to $300 courtesy of www.ModestSea.com

    Here is the direct link.


  8. YEA! I found your blog. After a crazy week I am just barely getting around to trying to hunt down the blogs of the people that I met at the blogger meet up. So glad I found yours and so glad that i found it on a day when you're doing a link up. WAHOO! Love it!

