
Health, Fashion & Creativity with Kelly from Arcadian Designs

Hey everybody!

When Jenny asked me to write up a sponsor highlight post, I honestly had a hard time deciding exactly what to talk about. (and yes, I just ended a sentence with a preposition…sorry, Mrs. McGee!) I have so many interests, though I certainly don’t consider myself extremely knowledgeable or an expert on really anything…there is always more to learn and ways to grow. I thought I’d just highlight a few of my interests:


This is an area I’ve been trying to focus on now for a few years. I’ve always been a bit overweight and after college when I got a desk job, I noticed the “spread” happening. Little by little, I’ve accrued more “junk in the trunk” than I care to have! I’ve adapted to a plant-based diet and healthy exercise. I was under the impression that I had to run and be really “athletic” to be in shape and an athlete. However, I’ve discovered my speed is a bit more laid back…think more ballet and yoga and less aerobics and pounding. I still greatly admire runners, and in the back of my mind I’m hoping to become one someday, but for now I’m happy. I enjoy trying to “healthify” recipes and love me some good old-fashioned cookbooks, the vintage-r the better. I’m not perfect, I have plenty (that could be an understatement) of slipups along the way, but as long as I’m one cm closer to my goal at the end of the day, that’s what matters. 


Like so many of you, I’ve always enjoyed dressing up, shopping for clothes, and perusing fashion magazines and articles. I get a bit fed up with a lot of the fashions because I refuse to wear things “too short, too tight, too low". But it’s encouraging to me just how creative you can get in fashioning your wardrobe, and also the fact that there are so many stores and shops that do sell modest clothing. 

My Creative Outlet

For me, that would definitely be my Etsy shop. Arcadian Designs was birthed out of creativity and it’s what keeps me going. I love creating things that I think smell good, and gain a lot of satisfaction when I get feedback from my customers who say they also love it. It’s been a slow process, and still is slow, as I have a full-time job, plus all my side interests that eat up my time, but I’m hoping this year to invest more time in Arcadian Designs. Scents just have a way of bringing back memories - whether it’s a vanilla scent that reminds you of that favorite teacher you had in elementary school, a coconut-banana scent that reminds you of your cruise, or a mixture of flowers and fruit that transport you someplace serene and mysterious…I just love the power the sense of smell has. I don’t enjoy sickening, in-your-face, headache-inducing perfumes, so my goal is always to create something that smells great, but also won’t knock out the person that innocently walks in the door ;)

So, I am a work in progress. My blog is definitely a work in progress. My shop’s a work in progress. But I just love that, don’t you? If you’re a work in progress, like me, that just means we’re going to get better…I guess we’re like good wine or cheese…we just get better with age.



Kelly is giving away a sample pack of perfumes from her shop!  The giveaway is open to those of you with a U.S. shipping address.  Just enter using the Rafflecopter widget below!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I'm intrigued by this Mint Mango Tango, but I'm also a HUGE Lovespell fan and I also love Pear scented stuff!

  2. I would just have to try the samples. How to pick?

  3. Omgoodness, Mint Mango Tango sounds intriguing. I think I would like that one!
