
Lovely Things Thursday 5/10

I'm so sorry for slacking last week...but don't you worry, cause Lovely Things Thursday is back!  The week before last was the best link-up so far and I was amazed by all of your wonderful posts! Thank you SO MUCH for sharing and truly inspiring me.  Here are a few of my faves:
I love this outfit from Suburbs Mama.  Isn't the mix of leopard, turquoise and cowboy boots so much fun?

I thoroughly enjoy anything that includes avocados as an ingredient, especially guacamole.  I really want to try this tutorial from Inspirations by D, which shows how to grow your own avocado plant!

Isn't this home so beautiful?  I NEED a door like this one that Rooms For Rent created with chalkboard paint...it would give my pantry door so much more pizazz!

Now, on to the party for this week! Link up your most recent posts about things you have made, created, worn, decorated...really anything goes. Here are the rules:

1. Follow Modern {Modest} Beauty via Google Friend Connect, Bloglovin', or RSS.

2. Link up to a specific blog post, not the main page of your blog. (No businesses, shops, giveaways, etc.)

3. Grab a button below and place it in your post or somewhere on your blog. A text link is also perfectly fine!

4. Check out some of the other great links and give some comment love!

Modern Modest Beauty

I will be featuring a few of my favorite links again next week, so be sure to check back! You can start submitting links at 11am MST Thursday Morning and the party will end Sunday night at midnight. Now, let's get this party started!



  1. Um.. I want my own avocado plant! Yummy.

  2. Thanks for hosting Jenny! I added your party to our party page! :)

  3. I tried to how an avocado..I think one of my kids watered it too much.

  4. Thanks for hosting! Have a great weekend :)

  5. Thank you for featuring my avocado plant:-) So much fun to grow, I can't wait to grow the actual avocado to eat, yum! Have a wonderful weekend & a Happy Mother's Day to all.

  6. OHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH for the lovely feature :) totally an "awe shucks" moment :) Glad you like it...and hope you are having a great weekend :) ~Bre
