
Sponsor Spotlight: The Houtz House Party

Hey hey hey to all you Modern Modest Beauty readers!!!  

I’ve been fortunate to “meet” Jenny recently and well…you all know….isn’t she FAB?  I’m so happy to be here today to tell you a little bit about myself and my blog!!!

I am a wife to a too close to perfect it’s scary guy and a stay at home mama to 4 little people.  Our oldest son will be 3 in June.  We have 16 month old twin boys and our little lady is 3 months old! 
Our life is pretty much insane right now and it seems like we are always having a party at our house (mostly I think because it’s always LOUD here) thus the name of my blog, The Houtz House Party!! 

I love to share the daily crazy here with lots of photos and stories about our little family.  
Yeah...sometimes days are like this!!!
I also share favorite recipes, “fashiony” things as I learn them (that is like starting from square ONE for me, let me just WARN you now!) and my ever evolving faith in Jesus journey. 

I am a social girl who is LOVING meeting TONS of AWESOME, AMAZING, FUN, KIND, SMART, HILARIOUS, SWEET (well you get the drift) ladies through this blogging journey of mine.  

Stop by, say hi and let’s be friends!!!  I SOOOO can’t wait to meet you!


  1. you have a beautiful family Hugs!

  2. a beautiful song! thanks so much for visiting my blog... I'm glad I visited yours, too! :D

    I'm your new follower! XO. Hope to be friends!

    love, polly :D

    1. Don't you just LOVE that version of the song! Their voices are just PERFECT I think! I subscribed to their youtube channel after I found them!

  3. love that song! i miss my dreadlocks!i cut mine off last august. i stumbled upon & started following your blog! take a look at mine as well and follow back if you like!

    1. You should totally hear their other stuff!! Like I said above I so subscribed to their youtube channel!!! So GOOD!

  4. Thanks for having me on your blog!!!! :):):) Hey girls!!! Thank you so much for saying hi!!!
