
Are Modest Fashion Bloggers Hypocritical?

 I just wanted to let everyone know that today I have a guest post over at The Blind Hem.  It is in response to an article questioning the modesty of "modest fashion bloggers".  I really hope you will check it out and provide your own personal opinions.  I truly want to hear what other people think! Find it at www.theblindhem.com here.  Also, thank you everyone for the birthday wishes...I'm pretty sure I woke up with an extra wrinkle today!


  1. I read it and commented and then I got sucked into reading all why you wrote the post and all of the comments. thanks a lot ;)

    1. Thanks! And...sorry about getting you sucked in, LOL.

  2. going to check it out! sounds interesting!

  3. Awww, I LOVE the beautiful quote above!!! Did you design that or find it somewhere? I would love to 'add' it to my blog post about modesty, if that's okay with you. It's PERFECT!

    How did you find me? I really appreciated your nice comment on my blog. I see it goes perfectly with the whole concept of your blog. Very cool!!

    I will be snooping around your blog a bit more now. hehe.


    1. I just added the quote to the cute free background I found online...feel free to add it to your blog! Someone I follow on Twitter (I can't remember who) posted a link to your post and I just had to click on it :)

  4. PS: I pinned it on my Church Charmers board...so love it!

