
Lovely Things Thursday Linky Party 4/19

Welcome to Lovely Things Thursday! Last week was full of your great ideas and I truly enjoy looking through each and every one of them.  Here are a few I loved:

I am always looking for cute accessories that I can make for cheap.  This Pom Pom Necklace made by Doranda over at Watch Out For the Woestmans is right up my alley...she only spent $3!

These washcloth lollipop centerpieces from Jenny over at The NY Melrose Family are so cute! I love that they are baby shower decorations that can actually be used afterward!

I love this casual outfit that Erin from Pretty, Polished, Perfect put together.  I seriously almost bought that Old Navy shirt so many times!  I love Erin's style and she also has an amazing recipe for Baked Avocado Fries on the same post!

Now, on to the party for this week! Link up your most recent posts about things you have made, created, worn, decorated...really anything goes. Here are the rules:

1. Follow Modern {Modest} Beauty via Google Friend Connect, Bloglovin', or RSS.

2. Link up to a specific blog post, not the main page of your blog. (No businesses, shops, giveaways, etc.)

3. Grab a button below and place it in your post or somewhere on your blog. A text link is also perfectly fine!

4. Check out some of the other great links and give some comment love!

Modern Modest Beauty

I will be featuring a few of my favorite links again next week, so be sure to check back! You can start submitting links at 11am MST Thursday Morning and the party will end Sunday night at midnight. Now, let's get this party started!


  1. Thanks so much for hosting and for the feature! I love Doranda's necklace and the outfit is super cute.

  2. Thanks for the feature! I love your link party.

  3. Thanks for hosting the party! I linked up today for our first time:)

  4. Those washcloth lollipops are beyond adorable!

  5. Hey, that's me! Thanks for featuring me from last week. Did you try the fries? They are absolutely worth the effort ;)
