
Time flies when you're having fun.

On him- Shirt: c/o Cherokee, Jeans: Levis
On me- Shirt: c/o PBJ Boutique, Jeans: Lucky Brand, Earrings: Jules Smith c/o Favery

Lately, I feel like time has been flying by.  My kids are growing up so fast and some days it makes me really sad, because I love the stage they are at right now.  Next year my son will start kindergarten, which means both of my kids will be in school every day.  I used to think I would be so excited to have a bunch of time to myself each day, but now I'm not so sure.  This little guy is so funny...he is always putting a smile on my face and keeping me entertained.  I'm going to make an effort to really enjoy the few hours we have to ourselves each day, because I know I'll be missing this precious time with him once Autumn rolls around.

Yesterday we spent our time taking care of our skin, with some healing ointment that Aquaphor sent us.  Winter has left the two of us with dry skin and being on an airplane so frequently seems to dry mine out even more.  Since Aquaphor is an ointment, instead of a lotion, it doesn't soak in super fast.  However, I feel like it does a better overall job of repairing the dry skin.  My skin certainly felt moisturized for a longer period of time than when I use regular lotion.  I'm thinking this is going to be a daily ritual from now on, at least until winter is over!  My little guy also loved using his own special ointment and he made sure to rub some onto a scrape he acquired while chasing his sister with a giant tree branch (boys will be boys I guess). 

If you are interested in trying out this great product, you can find it for sale on Amazon.  Also, make sure to check out the Aquaphor Facebook Page, because they are always sharing tips and deals...right now there is even a coupon for $1.50 off, so make sure to check that out!

(This post is sponsored by Aquaphor.  However, all views and opinions are 100% my own.)


  1. Lovely Photos
    Feel free to link onto My Favorite Things weekly party!
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    Be Creative Mommy

  2. jenny these photos are beauuutiful and that hair is poppin girlfriend :)
    i love photos of you with your cute kids!

    1. Aww, thanks so much Marsa! I don't like to post too much about my kids, cause I feel like no one cares...but it's my blog and obviously they are the most important part of my life!

  3. What cute kids and I love your hair!! I have finally figured out what I need to do dye mine red. I did a strand test and it looks good. However, the only thing holding me back is I am a little hesitant about the reaction I will get from people at work and church. I have changed my hair color several times, so it is not like they have not seen it different colors, but for some reason I am a little nervous about it. I have had it reddish brown, but never bright red like I am planning. What kind of reactions did you get when you first colored yours red?
