
My Perfect Summer Look with Macy's

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As the temperatures start to rise and the sunshine begins to show it's beautiful self more and more, I'm getting so excited for Summer! I can't wait to spend time at the pool, go hiking, and just enjoy the outdoors...it makes me so happy! Today I've teamed up with Macy's to share my idea of the perfect "Summer Look" and I must say that I had a blast putting it together.

When I think of summer clothing, one thing comes to mind: dresses. I don't want to be wearing a ton of layers when it's hot outside and a dress is so easy to throw on. I don't know about you, but I like to keep it simple in the summer! So, my first priority when I arrived at Macy's was to find a great dress and I had so much fun trying on different options.
Let's just ignore that I'm not wearing any make-up...mmmmkay?
There were bohemian maxis, feminine a-line pieces, form-fitting minis...the hardest part was narrowing down my favorites! Usually I'm drawn to light and flowy casual dresses, but I immediately fell in love with this Michael Kors shift dress. The blue pattern reminds me of the beautiful mosaic tiles of an outdoor swimming pool (Just looking at the dress makes me excited for Summer!).

But what outfit would be complete without accessories?! Lucky for me, Macy's makes it super easy to put together an entire look. Besides dresses, another one of my must-haves for Summer is a floppy hat, because I get sunburned pretty easily and hats help to keep the sun off of my face! I was able to find this floppy fedora and I love it! The last thing I needed was a bag to pull my look together. I knew I wanted a white tote and first I saw a beautiful Coach option, but I just didn't have that kind of money to spend. I was feeling a little sad, because the Coach bag was absolutely gorgeous, but then I spotted it...a pretty white Nine West tote with the perfect little cutout details...and when I looked at the price tag I was a happy camper! 

Michael Kors Dress, Nine West Tote
Dress: Michael Michael Kors via Macys (maxi version), Hat: August Hats via Macys, Tote: Nine West via Macys

I had so much fun putting together my summer look and I hope you all like it! What's your favorite thing to wear in the summer? Are you a dress person? Shorts? Neon? I want to know!


  1. Super cute! I love this look, perfect for summer. :)

  2. This is perfect for summer! You look so classy and summery I love it!

  3. Yay you picked the short one! The blue is perfect with your gorgeous hair.

  4. Love the dress! MK always has the best spring dresses. Dresses are my go to for summer! -McKell

  5. Love the dress you picked! Styled perfectly too!
    xo Adri

  6. I love this pick! It was my favorite of the three- tres chic!

  7. i love that dress and bag soooo much!!! :)

    Sandy a la Mode

  8. love love love that dress! Michael kors is my favorite! can't beat a good Macy's trip!

    Bunnies and Pearls

  9. Your hair is its own accessory with this outfit! You look stunning! Carylee | http://morepiecesofme.com

  10. That dress is so perfect for summer! The pattern is so fun to wear!


  11. Such a cute look! Absolutely love the dress!

  12. This is effortless and beautiful!

    <3 Daryl
