
Under My Umbrella

Umbrella: c/o Surfdome (buy here), Sweater: Old Navy (old, similar), Jacket: c/o Lulus, Jeans: Old Navy, Boots: Target (old)

One of the things I miss about living in Portland is the rain.  A lot of people complain about rain, but I really do love it.  There is nothing like lying in bed, listening to the sound of raindrops outside your window.  And the smell after it rains!  Dang, now I'm homesick again.  

Even if I won't get to use it as much as I want to, I am absolutely in love with this Ted Baker umbrella that Surfdome sent me.  I've always adored Ted Baker apparel and accessories, because they are so classy and feminine.  I just wish my wallet could manage to put more of it in my closet...maybe one day!  Surfdome has a lot of adorable Ted Baker items, as well as many other great brands that I love, so they are definitely worth checking out!

I hope everyone had a Happy Halloween...I know we did!  I can't believe Thanksgiving and Christmas will be here soon.  Where does all the time go?!

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  1. I love the rain. It puts me in a really good mood. Luckily, it rains alot in Fl.

  2. I love rain as long as I'm not having to be out and about! Lazy rainy days are the best! The umbrella is adorable and that jacket is fierce!

  3. I love the sound of the rain too. I love for it to rain at night, so that I can listen to the rain fall as I drift off to sleep. I find it very relaxing. Your umbrella has such a beautiful print. I also love the color of your jacket.

    I agree that time has really going by so fast lately. It feels like this year is going to be up so soon.

    Jessica @ Sunny Days and Starry Nights

  4. Perfect colour combination!


  5. I love your outfit! Cute umbrella too =)

  6. Love your hair colour.


  7. I love this rainy day style and that umbrella is adorable!

  8. I have never been a fan of the bright red hair but it looks so so so good on you! What a babe!!

  9. That teal jacket is fantastic!! Love the contrast and looks fab on you!!

  10. What a great Rainy day style & you look Great. A Green leather jacket is just what my closet needs.

  11. I hate rain but I have to admit I do like lying in bed listening to it on a lazy day. I love the color combo of this outfit. Great way to wear neutrals.


  12. You look so cozy in this outfit. That jacket is killer! I love the color. I also love rainy days. Mister absolutely hates them, but they always put me in some kind of comfort catatonic state. Rainy days are perfect for cuddling by the fair, baking while listening to moody music or just snuggling up on the couch with a cup of hot cocoa and an old hollywood movie. My umbrella collection and I would be right at home in Portland.

    Rebecca Jean
    Midnight Maniac
