
Exploring Alaska: The Reindeer Farm

This past week we took a little family vacation up to the beautiful state of Alaska.  The first thing on our itinerary (and possibly the highlight of our trip) was a visit to the Williams Reindeer Farm in Palmer.  We had the opportunity to actually get in the reindeer pen and feed them, which was so much fun! I was surprised at how sweet they were...well, maybe that had to do with the fact that we had food...but they each had the cutest personalities and I really wanted to take one home!

Reindeer Farm, Palmer Alaska

In addition to the reindeer, the farm is home to elk (which we were also able to feed), chickens, rabbits, horses and one bison.  My kids had so much fun meeting all the different animals and I think it's something they are always going to remember. 

If you ever find yourself in the Anchorage area, I highly recommend a visit to the Williams Reindeer Farm...it's definitely a unique experience!

More Alaska pics will be coming soon, so be sure to check back!


  1. Great pictures! I hope to visit Alaska one day and visit the reindeer farm! Looks like a lot of fun!
